Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy Birthday ~ Yee Ma

This is a family pic... only the Ngs and their offsprings.

That's what mamee said...

My Fav part of the whole celebration. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you!
The Princesses & The Queen.
Dayan and Por por... nice smile Dayan! that's like 10 mega watts... I'm sure many girls will swoon.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Gathering @ Vienna

Yeah! Finally all the Angs got together and have a dinner to celebrate year end. They are all papa's cousins and their partners. Of course, moi is the fairest and youngest of all.

Tis is a pic of our family.
Gu gu and Me :)

I'm trying to pose with my signature victory sign... Guess i need to work on that ya?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Jingle bells jingle bells...

Christmas @ Vivo

Christmas Lunch

Merry Christmas, everyone!
Tdy i'm having christmas lunch with my family :)
Check out the feast that was prepared by nai nai and mamee.
This special fruit salad was prepared by ye ye.
Its very creative right?

This is the log cake mamee bought... hmmm its yummy ofcourse.

Ye ye, nai nai and me :)

Presents Galore

Look at all the pressies i have received this year.
Thank you so much!!!
Muacks muacks muacks!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ho ho ho Merry X'mas ho ho ho

Its finally my favourite time of the year, Christmas!

hmm this will be the third Christmas for me.

I remember that during this festive season, there are lots of goodies to eat.. and of course presents from everyone :)

hmm... also there's a red nose deer and an old man who is fat and short?

keke... this is gonna be fun!

Christmas 2007!

Christmas 2006!

Christmas 2005!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Barney Christmas Magic

Barney, BJ and Baby Bop dancing to my favourite tunes!

Papa managed to get a seat for me with a bird's eye view... best part I do not have to wait in line nor crowd with the other kids. Yipee!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

12345, once i caught a fish alive

Finally, we have another fishing trip with papa and mamee @ Pasir Ris Fishing Pond. Its a huge park with two big ponds there. Papa decided to start fishing at the smaller pond, its called pro fishing...

Take a look at my pose, i'm a natural angler :)

ta da! Presenting my first catch ... keke

a baby snapper!

See, i caught this with the guidance of papa... cool man!

Take a closer look of my catch...