Sunday, October 28, 2007

Preschool woes

Mamee and Papa has been searching high and low for a school which i can attend next year.
Been to Brighton Montessori, Chiltern House, Lorna Whinston, Cambridge Childcare, Honey & Milk and St James Kindergarten.

However, mamee felt that its not the right time for me to attend childcare yet. The expensive fees and long hours... mamee really prefer to place me in classes for at most 3 hours each day.
Cos mamee wnats to spend more time with me... and she can send me to school everyday :)
We will continue to look at enrichment classes and Kiddy classes.

Do you have any good suggestions?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Botanic Gardren - finale

haha.. after all the running around the garden. I must say it has really exhaust all my energy!

Sooo tired....

Popping bubbles

I love bubbles! Love blowing bubbles and popping bubbles.

Botanic Garden (II)

Next, we went to the newly opened Children's Garden. Check out this little hut built just for us. Keke... yee por can't even get in.

Ofcourse, i will not missed out on the water play!

Day out at Botanic Garden

Its a sunny saturday and mamee and yee por decided to bring me to the Botanic garden once again. (last time we went, its was getting dark and i barely enjoyed myself)
hmm let me put on my sunnies, checked!

I'm ready to hit the road... checked out my hand sticking on my hips.

At first, i was afraid to get on to the suspended bridge, but i'm not scared anymore!

Monday, October 22, 2007

~~ Val aka Pan Cake Princess

Last sat, mamee and I spent some time making pan cakes together.
I did my own mixing, and a lil help from mamee with the measurements.
As you can see, i really took pride in this lil role of mine. Mixing and stirring for a long while, til my legs were tired.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Swimming Week!

Its Swimming week again! This got to be my fav week @ JG. All my frens are splashing happily in the water.
hmmm.... got to wait for another week before i get to play in the water

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Popping Bubbles

We had some fun at the Swan Lake last weekend, blowing some bubbles and popping some as well ; p
hmmm where are they now?

Friday, October 12, 2007

Sand Play

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My first trip to the hairdresser

Today, i had my first hair cut @ the hair dressers, Junior League. keke.. before that my personal hairdresser is my papa ; )
Mamee said i was a good gal, yeah I wasn't shy nor afraid when stylo auntie started to snip off my hair. I must say i really enjoyed it.

oh well.. another reason has got to be theBarney Video i'm watching. If you haven't notice, my eyes were glued to the screen through out the session!

Have i told you? There's free balloons and stickers too! Yipee;)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Peek a Boo