Monday, November 12, 2007

Water... need i say more?

Papa is so delighted.. i'm playing peek a boo with him :)

Scary skyride

This is the sky ride... i'm so glad when the aunty told papa and mamee i'm tall enough to go on it. You have to be at least 90cm... keke... with my crocs on.. i'm approx 92cm... heng ar... otherwise i only get to see them from below... no lugging and riding. To be honest, i was rather scare on the first ride...i kept very quiet and just observed the surroundings when the ride went higher and higher. Papa was holding on to meall this while hence i'm in safe hands... i guess mamee was the only kan cheong one. She kept asking papa to hold tight on to me... make sure i dun kick too hard... worried that the bar was too filmsy... relax mamee...its all cool!
In this second pic... its already my second ride... so i'm not tense anymore. In fact, i was enjoyign the ride. I was describing to mamee what i can see... the beautiful scenary as well as the birds soaring high. The only tense one is mamee, i tried to distract her by talking non stop lor... i think it works : )

I'm a Lugger, are you?

Yeah.. I'm a lugger !!! A professional... keke... i loved riding it...

We are really fast... so fast that mamee and jie jie couldn't catch up with us... serious!
Think papa and I made a great team!
Check out my F1 worthy pose.... you should have seen how we cornered... mamee can't even see our rear lights... haha

Happy Veteran's Day @ Sentosa

Happy Veteran's Day everyone!
Both papa and mamee are not working today and papa gave me a surprise!
Yes, he brought us to Sentosa!!!

I'm just getting all warm up...

Now... you can see i'm all at ease to start posing.
Check out my mid drift!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Istana - Part 2

Running across the field with papa and jie jie

Admiring the beautiful fountain which is right infront of the main building.

This is so much fun... and definitely much easier then to walk up the slopes earlier.
Bye folks! That's all for today :p