Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tumble Rumble @ Atlantis

Today, mamee brought me to this new playground called Atlantis. Its at Delta Sports Complex which is very near our house.

Wow... look at me flexing those muscles.

At the end, we spent two hours at this new place. hee hee, i saw mamee buying the 6 hours package..and it means that i will be back at this place real soon.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More pics...

Long hair cutie

Hey babe!

Class of 2008 ~~ DD 6

Hee hee... finally mamee scanned my class photo which we took in May.
Well... the cutie who is hugging the bear is yours truly :)
The other pic is my class picture.
From left: Kai Sheng, Auntie Nelly, Isabelle, Ryan, Faith, Annie, Me!, Julian, Auntie Huifen, Ashley
Front row: Shin Yong, Destiny, Joah, Joey, Renae

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Singapore!

This is a song dedicated to my home country.. Happy Birthday!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More pics

More pictures of my karoke appearance

This is it.. Dove Shower Ok competition.... hmmm have you seen my performance...
Just a clearer picture how the setting looks like...

My first public karoke performance

woo wooo

This is my first public appearance.. singing.. Its a whole new experience as i'm singing in a bathroom.. rigfht in the middle @ VivoCity

Singapore Flyer

Bye everyone... bye Singapore Flyer

Dancing Queen

After the ride on the Singapore Flyer.. mamee brought everyone to Makan Sutra @ Esplande to cure our hunger pangs. Once we were done with the dinner, we headed to the river bank where there's some performance going on. Ah ha... i guess its the dancing queen in me... that makes me shake to the rythm... even Dyan joined in the fun.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dancing Queen Part II

Dancing Queen Part III

DHL Balloon.. here we come

Valerie Ang... on a expedition...
Yeah...i'm all ready
So are you jie jie
Boarding the enormous balloon
Look.... no hands

View from the top....

The balloon reaches all high 150m that's like 40 storeys high....

Hush Puppy

I found a friend in you...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Breakfast @ Dempsey

We had brunch with Auntie Cai ling @ PS cafe on a nice sunday morning! Afterwhich we went over to BJs for some snappng joy
Look at this pretty ah yee..

Bubbles fun... ofcourse...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Valerie's 1st piano recital

Friday, July 25, 2008

Val's graduation pic

Its Graduation Day for me! I'm graduating from my baby music appreciation class.... after nine months.... Have you seen my performance, Hot Cross Bun?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

School Excusion to the Zoo ~ II

My first elephant ride with mamee

Safari gal... yup that's me!

Gd' day Mate!
.. Emu and Kangaroo.. they are chatting eh

Next its the long neck animals... haha no prize for guessing it right :)

Next, its to the Children World

Then we went to the animal show !

Smile, jie jie...