Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dew Drops....

HI all... i'm a Dew Drop... :) Yes, the prenursery children are "term" dew drops... mamee said its because its the start of the cycle... dew drops, sunshine and rainbow...
Can you spot my pic...


Getting in line after visiting the washroom... i can take instructions very well....

All of us sat patiently for our meals to be served....

Today we had a two hours class, and i met the rest of my classmates.
At first, i was overwhelmed with the size of the class, including the adults there's more than 30 people in the tiny classroom.
Hence, i wouldn't let mamme go out of sight... i wanted her to sit near me... and watch my every move.

As the time goes, i started playing with Annie, my friend :)
I forgot all about mamee... i didnt even noticed that she stepped out of class and let me play with my friends.

It wasn't so bad at all... when i cannot see mamee in class, i looked around and saw my friends playing happily, i realised that its ok not to have mamee by my side for a while... i mean a short while... because i know both mamee
and papa will be somewhere near, watching over me.
Even when my friends started crying for their mamees... i didn't cry cos i'm a brave girl!

**Mamee: I was hiding behind the door, watching val's every move. She appeared to be calm and play with her friends and teachers when she didn't see me in class. :) What an achievement !**

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First day of school!

Hey everyone! Its my first day of school at SJCK today!
I'm so excited... look at the tiny ponytail mummy tied for me.

Ye ye came to send me to school... Yeah!!

This will be myvery own classroom for this term.
I'm paying attention to teacher Hui Fen...
shhh... mamee said Focus!

No tears.. :) No fears!
Its only a short session today, 1 hour and mamee get to sit in with me.
Actually, i'm very independent... hor mamee...
no worries la...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Counting down... to 01082008!

Yes, i'm counting down to 010808 because I will be starting my new term at my new school.
Do you like my new uniform?
Mamee said its rather boyish looking... what do you think?
I got my backpack ready as well... but i have not get my new shoes....
Hopefully we will get it before school starts. Yeah!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

Happy New Year!!!! Wishing all a year with good health and many good returns!

As for me... ofcourse i want to have more goodies and toys... right, mamee?

btw, do i look like a great pianist in the making? These pictures were taken while we attended mamee's friend wedding on New Year Day! I will start persuading papa to let me take piano lessons soon :)

Its a small small world!

This pic was taken by Su An Jie jie's brother while we were at the wedding dinner.
Yes, the pretty gal beside mamee is Su An jie jie.
She is mamee's colleague and coincidentally she is the cousin of the groom.
Hmm... like what mamee often sings... Its a small world after all :)