Saturday, May 31, 2008

Princess Valerie

Mirror mirror on the wall... who's the fairest of them all...
Princess Valerie :)
Look at me... i have a magic wand.

Nai nai brought me to this studio and snapped many pictures of me.
Look at me... i'm transformed into a Princess.

Dora the Explorer

Mamee, Yi Ma and Yi Po brought us to the Dora show this June Hol. :)
It was a great show and you can see from the pictures ..

Monday, May 26, 2008

Karis, Zoey and Me

Hear no evil

Say no evil
See no evil

Monday, May 19, 2008


Terminal 3 with Phoebe

A day with Chia Chia

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Second surprise of the week

Today, we received our progress report, aka report card la.
hmm... thank goodness there's no complaints from aunty Nelly and Aunty Huifen.
I saw mamee talking to papi after she reviewed what they have wrote in this pink booklet. Overheard papi said i got the attitude... hmm wonder if its good or bad? But overall, mami gave me the thumbs up !
** mamee : This is the first time receiving a progress report for val... to be honest its really quite an experience. Ofcourse, as a typical parent i would like to see good reviews and so far we are happy to know that Val seems to be enjoying her classes. No major hicupps at this point... wait til the parents teacher meeting this friday.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Suprise

This is the surprise i have for mamee and papi. Look its a pot of flowers for mamee and a key chain for papi. Aunty Nelly and Hui Fen taught us how to make these ... i hope papi and mamee will like this too.

** Thanks princess... both papi and mamee love these surprises. These are the first gifts we got from you and we are sure there will be more to come. Thank you and we will always love you.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mom's little cupcake!

Today is mother's day. Papi and mamee brought popo and gong gong to East Coast for some jap fare.
After food, we went to the beach and had some fun at the beach.
I got one shell for mamee and another pretty shell for papi.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Denga Bay

Remember i told mamee that i would prefer a real horse. So Papi and mamee brought me to Denga Bay @ JB to ride a real horse.

This is mamee's fav pic... keke...