Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tumble time

Seeing my cheeky smile its not too tough to guess what's coming up next. Yeah, yeye, nai nai and gu gu came by and played with me... See how i wrestled with yeye.. and I'm the small giant!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Celebrating Ye Ye's bday at Long Beach

Splash and splash

Meet my swimming instructor, Aka Yee Po, who is teaching me, Lesson #1 : how to kick water!

Now, Lesson #2.. how to splash water :)
Very soon, i know i can ride the Lobster just like Karis. Look at me... Karis and the red Lobster!

Zoey with the yellow balloon Uncle gave to us earlier.

We had so much fun at Karis/ Zoey's place... when can we go again mamee?

Saturday, September 15, 2007


We went to NYDC on sat when i told mamee i wanted to have some icecream.
dada... so here are some pics of me savouring the delicious mudpie..

yum yum... its sooooo good that i can't even open my eyes!
Another one pls?

Friday, September 14, 2007

sad day for mamee

it all started well.. but ended with a sad note. i never thought of myself being disregard, referred as a "temp". tried to brush it off... but the sting is too painful. what am i? who am i?
where do i want to be on this mgmt ladder? its time... for me to reselect my options...

Monday, September 10, 2007

My Gown

How do i look in this gown?

Saturday, September 8, 2007

water @ Vivo City

mamee took these pics while we were @ Vivo with nai nai. Quality bonding time, mamee said.

Some Days Just Aren't Worth Getting Up For

Me: -ahem- Mirror, mirror on the wa-
Mirror: Oh shut the fuck up.
Me: What?
Mirror: You do this every day. Nothing’s changed, OK? You’re still fat.
Me: But I’ve been on a diet! I've been exercising!
Rice: Eat me!
Weighing Scale: Don’t worry, you’ve already lost one whole kilo.
Me: See?
Mirror: Hmm... your chest does look smaller. Your arms too.
Me: Hey!!! -pause- They don't, do they?
Weighing Scale: Don’t listen to him. You’ve done very well.
Rice: Eat me!
Mirror: Can someone shut that thing up?!
Me: I could always just... eat it.
Weighing Scale: No!
Mirror: And you wonder why you're still fat.
Me: I think I need a third opinion.
Tight T-shirt: Dah-ling, you know I love you but... you could do with losing a bit more weight.
Mirror: Thank you!
Rice: Eat me!
Weighing Scale: He's not fat! He's lost a kilo, remember? That's a lot.
Tight T-shirt: It's just that I'm getting stretched ever so slightly around the waist and-
Mirror: See? Fat!
Me: I've cut down on the carbs, I've been watching the calories - shit, I've even switched to Diet!
Mirror: Really. So how come you've been eating bread?
Rice: Eat - I'm sorry, what?
Mirror: Yup. Toaster told me yesterday.
Toaster: Leave me out of this!
Rice: You've been eating bread?!
Me: But I'm not doing Atkins anymore - I'm now on the Glycemic Index Diet! I can have some carbs, as long as they're complex.
Rice: Eh?
Me: It's just low GI soy and linseed bread. I can have it 'cos it won't make my sugar levels go crazy. Complex carbs, you see.
Rice: I'm complex.
Me: No, you're simple.
Mirror: He's being kind. You're a fucking Grade-A retard. Any thicker and you'd be porridge.
Rice: Don't eat bread. Eat me!
Weighing Scale: I must say, it sounds a little dodgy...
Me: Trust me, this bread is allowed.
Tight T-shirt: But are you supposed to eat four slices every day?
Me: Uh...
Tight T-shirt: Yup. With cheese. And tuna mayo filling.
Me: Traitor! You're supposed to cover for me!
Tight T-shirt: I'm finding that harder and harder to do these days, luv.
Mirror: This just gets worse.
Tight T-shirt: -giggle- Then he had SIX pork ribs for dinner.
Me: You are so going to the charity shop.
Mirror: Let's not forget that gigantic hunk of roast beef.
Weighing Scale: -sigh- I remember that.
Tight T-Shirt: Me too. It wasn't a good day for me. I wish he wouldn't wear me when he binges... I am couture, you know...
Me: That was protein!
Tight T-Shirt: Protein, schmotein. You're supposed to eat less when you diet, pumpkin.
Me: Listen, I can't get full without rice or noodles. So I eat... more.
Weighing Scale: Doesn't that uh, defeat the purpose?
Rice: Eat me!
Mirror: Well, this certainly explains a lot.
Me: Christ in a pie. Losing weight's hard, OK?
Mirror: Like you would know.
Weighing Scale: I think maybe you should cut down on the quantities...
Me: I'm doing the best I can! Fuck! This is driving me crazy!
Tight T-Shirt: You're having an argument with us. Too late, sistah.
Rice: Eat me!
Mirror: Seriously, someone shut that thing up.
Me: I'm going to KFC.
mamee luvs this ..taken from tazie's blog

swimsuit woes

baby: oh no mammee, do my thighs look fat?
mamee: nah, they look just fine
baby: must be the pau i ate just now... hmmph

Hello Aunty Amy

Remember me... the Lil' Devil!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

fun @ IMM

Heard from Aunty Rain there's a new playground at IMM> so mamee brought me to IMM and we check out the new place.
I was on the Round a round with some of the kids at the playground.

Ofcourse, i will not miss a chance to pose for the camera with my perfect smile !

Saturday, September 1, 2007