Friday, February 29, 2008

Its the Leap Year... rabit rabit

Papi said its a very special day today! Its Feb 29 ! What the adults call a Leap Year.
Papi explained that this very special day only happens once in 4 years... and its my very first Leap Year! Haha... i tot he meant Rabbit... cos only rabbit and frogs leap... right mamee?
Anyway.. in short it meant that those babies who are born on this special day can only celebrate their birthdays once in four years... hmm... so they can only blow candles once in four years :(
Oh well... even so, papi said today calls for a celebration as it was my first leap year. Hence we went to Sushi Tei for some nice food before sending mamee to work.
Thanks Papi, Mamee! I can't wait for the next leap year to arrive.. :)

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