Sunday, May 24, 2009

Last day of school, yipee!!

Today is the last day of school.. and we had a Recycled Theme Party.
We were all dressed in recycled materials. Check out my skirt... very IN right? Nai nai made that for me... using tissue paper and polythene wrap! Papa made the hat for me using plastic bowl, magazine cutouts and aluminiun foil.
cool manz! Think i gonna win the Best Fashion Award

Also... we are celebrating my bday in school today! Mamee and papa gave me a surprise. Initially i thought they were in school to celebrate my classmate's Jethro Bday (who happens to have the same bday as me). So we bought a cake ( A princess cake... i should have know its not for a boy) and mamee made some cup cakes to bring to school.
When Aunty Lanfen announced that its my bday celebration, you can imagine how happy i was ;)

Cupcakes that mamee made... not too bad for a second attempt

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