Monday, June 4, 2007

My Bday Bash III East Coast Park

hmm... this is actually my first time on a viking... yeah! theme park rides.
We were at the East Coast with mamee's frens Ah Ling and Amy

There was this kiddy rides theme park and daddy brought me on the viking despite Mamee's objection. Look i'm still quite alright when i was gearing myself for the ride (shhh tell you... i'm actually quite scare... but i must act garang.. )

Look at the picture which i'm yawning away.... and the adults still worry i scared... keke

After the ride... do i look a bit stoned? Mamee said i was tearing a bit when we were on the ride.. tho i tried my best to laugh it off. Must be the few boys in front of us who were screaming away that sort of scared me... Mamee even signalled the person in charge to halt the ride if I'm scare leh... but i proved them all wrong...

Seriously, i cannot wait to get off the ride... boy, I will stick to Ferris Wheel... or kiddy slides for the time being...

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