Friday, August 31, 2007

Singing with Ava

Fairy Valerie ~~

**Fairy Valerie***

Hello all, I'm your fairy and i will make your wishes come true : )

Its party time at JG. We are all dressed up for the last day of term. Hmm... its not too difficult to guess i'm the fairy... but can you guess who are the rest that attended the party?
There's Reika the ballerina, En Ru the Princess, Naomi the lil Princess.

In this pic you can see Nathelie , the Angel.

Sandy the M.I.C.K.E.Y Mouse. Last but not least, Ashley another Pink Fairy. hmm not too sure who Brandon was dressed like.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Baby's Love

Mamee brought me to watch a play named Baby's Love at DBS Arts Centre.
Baby's Love is one of The Little Company's productions and the play helps children to understand the importance of coming to terms with the arrival of a new baby.
Not that we have a new addition to the family... just that mamee felt that its time to give me more exposure and this is a fun and interacting play to watch.
This is my friend Giselle, aka baby GG. Her mamee is my mamee's colleague. we both enjoyed the play together with the rest of the children. Lots of interaction during the play between the audience and the actors. I enjoyed the whole play, esp towards the end when Harry (the older brother) started to accept his baby sister and grow to love her. I kept shouting "STOP" when Harry tried to disturb his baby sister.

Mamee likes this pic. A lot of motion at the back.. but both GG and myself seems to be unfazed about the crowd and still pose for the camera.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Grooving with the music

papa in class today

Papa was in class with us today, and look we had so much fun kicking the ball.
Yeah, bet you didn't know i am a cop in disguise... "bo beep bo beep" watch out for the Lady in pink...

Pressies from HK

Gu gu just came back from Hong Kong and she brought back these goodies for me.
Hmm... didn't know if you sit aeroplane.. one can get such goodies...
There's Dora, and SpongeBob. (shhh btw, Spongebob is mamee's fav cartoon at the moment. She said it really tickles her .. kekeke... tickle tickle..; ) )

So papa and mamee.. when will i get to sit on aeroplane to get such goodies.... ?? Only on SQ i suppose... hmm i cannot wait for my first ride on the airplane... hope it gonna happen soon.

Look at these pretty shoes... gugu bought them from HK.

While mamee was taking these pics to show all of you, i decide to pose for the camera as well. Do i have the makings for the Next Big Thing?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Hot milo.. would you like a cuppa?

papa tried to get me onto the slide again... but no no... i'm not going anywhere near there
Papa brought us to the cafe for a cup of hot milo... cos papa said this is the SOP... swimming milo and chicken wings... but too bad they do not sell wings here.. so i had eggs instead... keke

Action in the water

Its my first time playing on the water slide. And guess what, the picture on the right shows the aftermath of everything. Don't i look like shrek, the green faced monster ? hihihi. I am laughing now but actually i am still trembling all over! I went up the stairs and without a second thought, i dashed for the slide think it would be just another ride on the slide. Phew! i went down like a deflated ballon and fell flat on my butt. I had a few mouthfuls of water too. I was really terrified!

This is valerie standing up again really bringing out the true meaning of my name which Mumi and Papa gave me. I am really proud to be their princes Yip Yip Hurray ! Another ride on the water slide ?? Hmm .. another day perhaps ... hihihi ..

sun water and play

Papa and mamee brought me to the pool today for some water fun. Mamee and papa go swimming with baby. (actual words from baby).. its been quite some time since we went swimming. Check out the pic below.. taken around feb last year.
we have all aged... keke.... wei wei... mamee said aged is not the word to use...

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Friday, August 3, 2007

Picasso in the making.... Princess val the artist

These are my master pieces... Mamee says these are priceless pieces ... do you know what mamee means by that? Truth is.. these are the art work i did during my crafts lesson at Pats and JG .. (with minimum help from mamee)...

Books books and more books

I love to read!
mamee and papa bought me all these books over the weekend. Overheard mamee telling papa some of the books are really good buy cos its hard cover.. and yet the price is very reasonable.
Will share with you the stories once i'm finished with it...

Internet shopping... anyone?

Recently, mamee starts her internet shopping spree. I prefer the tights... that's hot baby ; )

yipee... new clothes

The Great Singapore Sale is now over... take a look at the great bargains mamee bought for me during the sales.
Very soon, you will see me donning in these outfits... ; )

C for Cat... anyone

This week we are learning the letter C. C for Cat... we all know this...but the teachers @ JG sure know how to let us discover how a Cat looks like.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Class foto @ JG

Allo... these are my mates from class @ JG. The mamees aunties and grandmas too.