Sunday, August 19, 2007

Baby's Love

Mamee brought me to watch a play named Baby's Love at DBS Arts Centre.
Baby's Love is one of The Little Company's productions and the play helps children to understand the importance of coming to terms with the arrival of a new baby.
Not that we have a new addition to the family... just that mamee felt that its time to give me more exposure and this is a fun and interacting play to watch.
This is my friend Giselle, aka baby GG. Her mamee is my mamee's colleague. we both enjoyed the play together with the rest of the children. Lots of interaction during the play between the audience and the actors. I enjoyed the whole play, esp towards the end when Harry (the older brother) started to accept his baby sister and grow to love her. I kept shouting "STOP" when Harry tried to disturb his baby sister.

Mamee likes this pic. A lot of motion at the back.. but both GG and myself seems to be unfazed about the crowd and still pose for the camera.

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