Thursday, August 16, 2007

Pressies from HK

Gu gu just came back from Hong Kong and she brought back these goodies for me.
Hmm... didn't know if you sit aeroplane.. one can get such goodies...
There's Dora, and SpongeBob. (shhh btw, Spongebob is mamee's fav cartoon at the moment. She said it really tickles her .. kekeke... tickle tickle..; ) )

So papa and mamee.. when will i get to sit on aeroplane to get such goodies.... ?? Only on SQ i suppose... hmm i cannot wait for my first ride on the airplane... hope it gonna happen soon.

Look at these pretty shoes... gugu bought them from HK.

While mamee was taking these pics to show all of you, i decide to pose for the camera as well. Do i have the makings for the Next Big Thing?

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